10 Ways Design Can Transform Your Organization

Design's importance tends to fly under the radar, and understandably so – whether you're running an organization or doing independent activist work, there are so many things to watch out for! But the impact of design is far-reaching, and what you're going to hear next might just surprise you.

The same way silence can speak volumes, there's no opting out of design. Low-quality design shouts just as loudly as good design — however, the message it’s conveying might not be the one you wanted or intended.

If you haven’t considered design very much (or at all) for your organization, we’ve compiled a list of 10 superpowers that will convince you to invest in this often-overlooked area.

Design Superpowers

Increases trust

Fun fact: Trust in information is determined by what the information looks like, 94% of the time. Does your organization look like a reliable source of information, or someone who can be trusted? A lot of us are working to change minds, change policy – just think about what this added trust could do for your messages. On the flip side, design mistakes can damage trust on a subconscious level, which is why design quality is still important even if you aren’t a large organization.

Communicates accurately

Information can be interpreted wildly differently depending on how it’s presented. If your organization is leaning on data and facts, and working hard to share that information with others, it’s imperative to make sure that you’re not only representing it accurately, but also helping people pay attention to the facts you are trying to emphasize. 

Helps you show up authentically

Your brand is an extension of you – what is it saying when you’re not in the room? The visual language that you use for your branding is saying something about you, and ideally, it works as a mirror to reflect who your organization truly is. Simple design elements like color, font choice, styling, spacing, and more communicate your organization’s personality traits. How do you want people to feel when they see your work?

Says more with less

We’ve all heard the phrase “a picture speaks 1,000 words” – it’s all too true. Not limited to photography or artwork, this saying also applies to other areas of visual design. Your message should shine through design before the viewer reads anything you say. Viewers, especially when visiting a website for the first time, make extremely quick judgments – users form an opinion about your site within .05 seconds of opening the page. In fact, users often leave a website within just 10-20 seconds. With such a limited amount of time to make a good first impression, the quicker they can “get it” and be hooked to continue exploring your site, the better.

Builds reputation

Whether you’re an individual activist, a large organization, or somewhere in between, we all need to build respect to achieve our goals. An official look creates credibility, elevating your expertise in the eyes of the viewer. Instead of being forgotten, a strong brand can help officially establish you as an expert in your area, encouraging people to think of you more often. 

Increases visibility

You can’t be in every room, or talk to every person – but your brand can! Your website (especially) and social media are working hard for you 24/7. Expanding your reach means standing out from the crowd. Having an incredible brand can help you break into spaces you otherwise might’ve not been able to access, simply because others are paying more attention to you.

Unifies teams & communities – aiding in retention

United under one “banner,” your brand brings people together. Is your brand one that your team is proud of and are interested in wearing like a badge of honor? Are you using strong and clear themes in your communications that help tie everything together, or is everything looking a bit disjointed? The difference is clear – you could be communicating a strong unity and laser-focused mission, or something scattered and uncoordinated, leaving your team feeling the same way.

Attracts talent

Similarly, is your brand something that people covet? Not only should your brand catch the attention of the people you want to hire, it should help them feel eager to be a part of your organization, wear your logo, and rep your brand. Underestimating design’s role in talent recruitment is a big miss when the skilled professionals you need can choose to work anywhere.

Keeps people engaged

Once you have someone’s attention, and maybe gained them as a follower, you still need to keep them. On the flip side of “Consistency” is the equally-important “Variety” – within your brand, you should have a few design tools in your toolkit to create consistent yet interesting visuals that aren’t exactly the same every time. This can be a mix of photography styles, illustrations, icons, patterns, colors, and other design elements that are unique to your brand. Switch it up and keep it interesting to make users notice your content again and again, while still helping them recognize that it all fits under the umbrella of “you.”

Creates memorability

This is huge – when people have great brand experiences, it sticks in their mind. That stickiness can make the difference between someone forgetting you, or remembering you. They’re more likely to think of you later on when they need you most, or when someone else is looking to contribute something you need – the opportunities are endless when your organization is at the top of their mind.

As you were reading through these potential benefits, how many of them inspired you to take a look at your brand?

We know it’s hard to prioritize design when there’s so much going on and your work is so critical. That’s why we offer pro-bono services for animal advocates. Feel free to contact us if you want help with your brand or website, or if you just want to have a quick consultation! 


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