Violet Studios
2024 Year in Review

Our First Year as Violet

While the folks on our team have been working in the movement for years and providing design services for a while through our sister org, Vegan Hacktivists, this year marked an important milestone—2024 was our first official year as Violet Studios!

The explosion of work reaffirmed us the importance of what we do and the trust you’ve placed in us

We were blown away by the response when we began promoting our pro-bono design services. So many of you reached out and decided to trust us with the careful crafting of your brands, websites, and more. We’re grateful for this response and your confidence in us. 

The large volume of requests was staggering, highlighting how much design and communications services are needed in our movement for animals. In fact, a survey by AfA among its network of Asian NGOs revealed that communications was the second-highest capacity need, right after funding.

Kate Rodman, Violet Studios Co-Founder & Creative Director, reflects on the highlights and milestones of 2024

This confirmed what we already knew: 
There is a gap to fill, a deep need for high-quality visual communication to support our shared mission for animals.

As a small team made up of volunteers and a handful of staff, handling the large volume of requests has been a learning experience for us.
But even within those growing pains, I’m so proud to say that we’ve completed hundreds of requests—large and small—in just one year.

The stats you’ll find below are just numbers–what’s harder to quantify is our true qualitative impact:

  • With our small but dedicated team, we’ve spent countless hours consulting dozens of organizations like yours, helping steer them in the right direction to avoid costly mistakes. 

  • We’ve created brands that speak volumes, equipping groups with the tools they need to fully and authentically represent themselves to their target audiences. 

  • We have no doubt that our website design and support services have saved organizations from hours of stress—not to mention cost—and now those sites are helping them communicate their missions to the world. 

For a small team like ours, achieving what we did in 2024 wasn’t
easy, but our designers stepped up to the challenge. 

We’re a team founded on a shared commitment to animal protection and advocacy, finding ways to use our skills to make a difference. The impact you're about to see was achieved by a team made of mostly volunteers, offering their expertise to further the movement.

Stats – 2024

Orgs Served:


(All-time: 151)

10% EA-aligned

Services provided: 145 

As you’ll see in the numbers below, most organizations we worked with got at least two services in 2024. Not only that, but over ⅓ of our services went to BIPGM-led groups—and we typically provided more services to them, too.

Avg. number of services per org: 2.2

10% EA-aligned

Estimated amount saved: $579k *

  • We’ve estimated the cost we’re saving to organizations (and the movement) with our completely free services by calculating what the industry cost would’ve been if these organizations had gone to the market to receive the same support. For the pricing, we are referencing the design industry standard: The Graphic Artists Guild Handbook: Pricing & Ethical Guidelines. The Graphic Artists Guild (GAG) has been the most reputable reference for professional design pricing in the world for decades; In fact, we think our estimate may be even undervalued, as the GAG updates their pricing guidelines every few years, and the last release was in 2021 — of course, market prices have only increased since then.

Served orgs on
6 continents

In 2024, our support spanned nearly every corner of the globe, reaching organizations across six continents. Nearly half of our services (43%) went towards groups working worldwide, whose work impacts animals all over the globe. Here's a breakdown of the regions we supported:

Worldwide: 43.46%

North America: 24.61%

Asia: 16.23%

Europe: 4.71%

Latin America: 4.71%

Oceania: 2.62%

Africa: 2.09%

Middle East: 1.57%

Logo Line-Up

Project Highlights

  • Basic

    What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.

  • Intermediate

    What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.

  • Advanced

    What should we know about the services you provide? Better descriptions result in more sales.

Motion Design Reel

Add a blurb here about our motion design reel, and the reel itself can be vertical so it’s mobile friendly, this text can sit here to make the page more balanced

Video Block
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We’re thrilled to have built ongoing relationships with these programs, which continue to reach out to us for design support. It’s been a pleasure to stay connected, and support the inspiring participants of these programs!

ProVeg’s Kickstarting for Good

Krista Hiddema’s Strategic Planning for Animal Activism (SPAA)

AIM’s Charity Entrepreneurship program


AVA Summit in Washington, DC

While we were providing design services through Vegan Hacktivists, our tech-focused sister organization, we realized that not everyone knew about our design offering—this was the main push that led to the formation of Violet. Attending the AVA Summit for the first time as Violet confirmed to us that this was the right move—we were moved by how warmly it was received! 

It meant so much to us to see people’s faces light up when they discovered our free services, or that we had worked on many brands that they already knew. We loved connecting with past clients in person—whether at our booth or a capacity-building meetup we co-hosted with VH—learning from other advocates, and building new connections along the way.

Find out why we’re already looking forward to AVA 2025 in our sister org’s blog!

AFAD in Hanoi, Viet Nam

Attending Asia Farm Animal Day (AFAD), organized by The Asia for Animals Coalition (AfA) and AVA International, was important to us for many reasons. Events like these deepen our understanding of the regions we work with, help us provide better support, and offer the opportunity to learn from fellow advocates. AFAD 2024 allowed us to connect and unite with those fighting for a better future for animals in Asia, and show them support. 

We can confidently say that we left AFAD with a deeper understanding of the needs of advocates in Asia and a greater awareness of the challenges they face. We also gained valuable insights into leadership, communications, and how to acknowledge and work with contexts that often go unnoticed.

Check out the top lessons Violet and VH brought home to learn more!

Additional Resources

With the launch of Violet’s website, we also introduced new resources to help you elevate your design skills and see what our services can look like.

A Place to Find Design Tips & Tricks

With the launch of Violet, we introduced our Knowledge Hub—a space dedicated to helping you build the design skills you need to confidently maintain and grow your brand.

Almost all the organizations we work with are too small to have in-house designers for day-to-day support, which is why we believe it’s so important for you to hone your own skills. At the end of the day, you’re the one responsible for keeping your brand consistent and impactful.

Design might seem intimidating at first, but it’s a skill like any other—it can be learned. Even knowing a little can make a big difference. While we’ll always be here for advice, and there’s no substitute for a professional brand foundation, the Knowledge Hub is here to ensure you have the resources to thrive on your own. Our Knowledge Hub includes not only tips for common questions but also a curated list of resources for advocates to explore!

Sharing Design Insights and Behind-the-Scenes of Our Work

With our new identity comes new social media profiles! Be sure to follow us for:

  • Helpful design tips and advice

  • Behind-the-scenes looks at our work, showcasing the thought and design processes behind our free support for other advocates

  • Updates on the conferences we’re attending

Thanks to everyone who shaped Violet into what it is now! 

In 2024, we were able to increase the quality and quantity of design being produced for the animal advocacy movement and on behalf of Violet, I’d like to thank everyone who has supported or worked with us along the way.

Whether you’ve used our services and helped us learn about your invaluable missions, helped us evolve with each challenge you needed support with, or you’ve been following and supporting our work—we’re incredibly grateful to all of you.

I’m also immensely grateful for our design extraordinaries on our team, the talented volunteers who contributed to our mission, as well as those on our referral list who have stepped in to handle projects we couldn’t support due to bandwidth limitations or requests outside our scope. Without them, Violet wouldn’t be where it is today.

As we head into 2025, we’re carrying forward the valuable lessons we learned in 2024: Effectively managing a high volume of requests and prioritizing rest to ensure we can continue offering this service sustainably for the long term.

We’re planning to introduce an updated intake process for new requests to streamline our workflow and allow for more design time! At the same time, we’ll continue focusing on what we do best—and what was successful this year—delivering high-quality visual design services at no cost to organizations like yours, making a difference for animals.

None of this would be possible without incredible people like you.

It is people like you, who believe that high-quality design services should be accessible to everyone advocating for a better future for animals, who make this a reality. Help shine a light on the work of advocates, limited by small budgets or short-staffed teams, and ensure that their designs reflect their missions in 2025.

Your donation will allow other impactful organizations to focus on what they do best as we support them with our services at no cost.